What were your favourite bits of the workshops and visits?
The Magic Lab. Philomena
Doing the laser. Nicky
University and Foreshore when we were digging and finding stuff. Afsara
The story writing. Shane
When we went outside. Ardit
I think the best bit was being on the foreshore and the university. Russell
What were your least favourite bits of the workshops and visits?
When we had to go. Ellis
Having to dig with a spoon on the worst part of the foreshore. Omoleye
Nothing. Philomena
Talking and sitting. Afsara
Put a carpet on the floor. Shane
Washing our objects. Chris
What could we do to make the workshops and visits better next time?
Nothing. Nicky
Nothing. Crl
Keep it the same. Ellis
Nothing it was fun already. Afsara
Have more artwork and more sessions on the foreshore. Omoleye
Maybe some more free time! Philomena
Let us play Playstation and Xbox360. Russell
Maybe we could have see all of the university? Lilian
Could hve been the summertime. Ms Woorren
What do you think about going to University?
The best thing ever. Ellis
I think going to the university is a good thing and I'm going to study art and design. Omoleye
It was great, thankyou. Philomena
Great. Afsara
It was really fun using the computers. Callum
Its really really really good. Carl
Very fun and exciting. Lilian |